Dispute Resolution

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(based on Google Reviews)

Elissa Crosswell
"Emma was an absolute pleasure when I needed business advice. Prompt and detailed, and she was able to give me advice in easy to understand terminology. Highly recommend!"
Simon Donnelly
"Absolutely stellar service from Magnolia Legal! Emma's expertise, professionalism, promptness and attention to detail was second to none. I couldn't be happier with the service. Highly recommend!"

Get started

We’ll get back to you within 1 business day.

Our franchise review package involves an in-depth analysis of the franchise agreement and disclosure document.

  • We thoroughly review the documents and provide written advice outlining your contractual obligations, any red flags, any clauses that are non-market standard, ambiguous, unfair, or illegal (and what you should do about them), and respond to any questions you have.

  • We then have a virtual meeting to discuss our advice, and sign the required certificate.

  • We charge a competitive fixed fee of $1,875 + GST for our franchise review project.

We also offer fixed free projects for sale of business agreement reviews, lease reviews and other franchise related tasks, and offer ‘bundle discounts’ when you use us for more than 1 project.

Lean on our experienced legal team who’ve delved into hundreds of franchise agreements. We know franchising inside out, and we’re ready to help you.


02 8591 7341


Postal Address:
37 Greenhills Street,
Croydon NSW 2132 Australia

Magnolia Legal acknowledges the traditional owners of the land, the Wangal people of the Eora Nation, on which we work. Magnolia Legal pays its respect to Elders past, present and emerging


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